V-CHOS TRUCK: Brand Interview

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1. What's new and exciting this year for the Vchos Truck?

We have 2 trucks on the road daily and working on bringing  a brick and mortar store as well.

2. What inspired you (or the creator) to create the Vchos Truck?

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We wanted to bring our Salvadoran food to the masses; make it more main stream than what it was. When we started 8 years ago, Salvadorian food was mostly marketed towards Salvadorians. As the next generation, we wanted to put our modern time twists without losing the essence and culture. 

3. Can you tell us about the featured ingredients and the brand mission?

We pride on making everything from scratch using quality ingredients. Using the same technics that we’re taught from our elders.

4. What is your favorite the Vchos Truck product and why?

Pupusas! The gate way to Salvadoran food!

5. Have you tried Korean food before? If so what is your favorite?

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Yes! Kimichi reminds us of the Salvadoran garnish curtido. You can eat it at as a snack salad garnish it’s the best. Can eat it all day.

6. Where can everyone find you?

We pop up in different cities! Follow us on Instagram: @vchostruck or Twitter: @vchostruck for daily updates of where we are. You can also find our schedule on our website vchostruck.com .

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